A GUID Cause, The Women's Suffrage Movement in Scotland - Their struggles for change withing society

'A guid cause' ... The women's suffrage movement in Scotland


This area contains information on how the project is structured, learning and teaching approaches, sources, and assessment. It also contains an analysis of Curriculum for Excellence outcomes, capacities, skills and aspects covered by the project.


You can access the sources for Project 3 on the home page of the website. They are clearly catalogued and labelled so that they're easy to use. The following sources will be most useful for this project:

  • Developing skills for paper 2: The St Andrew's Hall Incident, Glasgow, sources 50- 58
  • Extended essay, sources 1-58
  • Class debate, sources 5-37

The sources have been chosen to support this unit, but they're not exhaustive. Feel free to suggest other books, websites and archive sources to your students.


There are 3 learning activities as part of Project 3, all designed to develop research and evaluation skills for the Higher History course and exam. The activities are as follows:

Learning Activity 1: Skills for Paper 2 - The St Andrew's Hall incident, Glasgow 1914

Learning Activity 2: Extended essay - using archive sources

Learning Activity 3: Class debate - 'Did the militant campaign do more harm than good?'

Learning and Teaching Approaches

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